Education, Compassion & Empathy

Education, Compassion & Empathy

Happy Sunday, friends. We hope that this email finds you healthy and safe.

Today, as a company, we would like to share our support of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, and our commitment to educating ourselves, our families, and our friends to further understand and comprehend the tumultuous environment we are working through as a nation.

We are taking time as a company to openly discuss these topics and further educate ourselves. We honor our black colleagues, and we believe this is a crucial time in our country to work to display understanding, compassion, and empathy towards our fellow Americans.

We would like to share this YouTube video called, "Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man", with Emmanuel Acho.

We hope that this video can inspire further conversation, learning, and compassion. Please stay safe and be mindful of social distancing during this time of turmoil.

Stay healthy.

We are here to help if you need us.

Team PhytoQuant USA
Mon-Thurs/ 10 am ET – 4 pm ET

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