BLACKCURRANT The macerated fresh buds in hydro glycerin alcohol solution acts on the adrenal glands stimulating the release of antiinflammatory and anti-allergic substances useful in inflammatory conditions of the bronchi whether due to flu-like factors or to allergenic stimuli.
BEECH The fresh buds are rich in antiinflammatory ingredients, immunostimulant and antihistamines, which help the body to defend against all infections and to reduce the numbers of allergic reactions, an important component of the diseases related to the respiratory tract.
BIRCH Birch is shown to stimulate the immune system, to react in cases of infections and systemic inflammation. Therefore, it is an excellent remedy for bronchitis of various origins.
BLACK ALDER Its buds are full of useful substances to relieve symptoms of mucous catarrhal syndromes and deep inflammation of the bronchial tubes and airways, as in sinusitis and bronchitis also persistent.
DOG ROSE Its berries are very rich in Vitamin C. The dog rose macerate performs an immunostimulant activity and a secondary action of the tyramine neutralization, triggering factor of headaches, often associated with influenza.