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The #1 Body (Previously REBODY)

The #1 Body (Previously REBODY)

Supports healthy adrenal & endocrine function* Promotes anabolic metabolism* Supports optimum cellular health* Promotes restoration of sexual function*
  • Size:   60 x500mg Capsules
  • Manufacturer:   Panaxea
  • SKU:   PX-1BODY
  • Stock status:   13
Regular price $48.20 USD
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The #1 Body is a combination of herbs traditionally used to nourish the essence and promote vital energy. In modern language one could say it is an 'androgen-style’ tonic. Cordyceps and Epimedii both native Chinese herbs have been employed for over 2000 years in formulas to enhance strength and endurance. *

These traditional herbs by today’s scientists are reported to help increase plasma adrenocorticotropic levels and enhance HPA Axis feed-back mechanisms.*

Serving Size: 1 capsule Semen Aesculi 45mg Herba Cynomorii Songarici 50mg Sclerotium Cordyceps Chinensis 45mg Fructificatio Ganodermatus 35mg Herba Epimedii with 30% standardized Icariin) 40mg Herba Cistanches Deserticolae with 18% standardized ß-Sitosterol 30mg Radix Morindae Officinalis with 4% standardized extract morindin 20mg Fructus Cnidii Monnieri 10% Osthole 50mg Fructus Lycii 40mg Radix Aucklandiae Lappae 25mg Semen Cuscutae Chinensis 35mg Radix Polygoni Multiflori 35mg
Suggested Use: 2-3 tablets, 2 times daily. Cautions: Contraindicated for patients using corticosteroids, Warfarin and Thyroxin. Not intended for those under 35 years of age. During pregnancy or expectant pregnancy, or Nursing. With polycystic ovaries. If causing acne, discontinue. May cause androgen effects in some women. Note: Patients with Type 2 diabetes should carefully monitor blood sugar levels. Because of the strong stimulating activity of the formula, it is recommended that patients take Alpha Lipoic Acid.